Microsoft Band 2


P1050353 (Medium) P1050356 (Medium)
Ok, so the Microsoft Band 1 was a bit of a prototype, let’s see how the Band 2 peforms. By the way, the box has a size guide. Graeme went for the small one.

We’ll update this page with the verdict on the Band 2 soon.

Update 27/02/2016 – Graeme’s fitness band ran out of power this week at 11.62 miles. We ran a total 13.50 miles. Graeme has downloaded the latest update from Microsoft and will test out the “GPS Power Saver” option on the next run.

Update 04/03/2016 – Graeme’s fitness band ran out of power again this week. Graeme downloaded the latest update from Microsoft and tested out the “GPS Power Saver” option. With GPS Power Saver enabled, Graeme’s band recorded nearly fourteen miles this week, which helped extend the battery life by an extra 4 miles compared to last weeks run, but not quite enough to capture our 18 miler this week.
